Saturday, April 21, 2012


Vampires: Interview with a Vampire

Interview with a vampire tells an intriguing story about Louis, a mortal who became a vampire. The delivery of the story begins with a young fellow interviewing Louis. The story unfolds as the protagonist Louis comments on the tragic events of his life experiences. It covers his gains and losses. In the end, being an immortal vampire only yielded great sorrow for him.

This novel made me reflect upon the idea of what if we could live forever? The novel emphasized the sorrow being a vampire yielded. It stirred up the ideas of never being able to age and ascend to the next level. I thought, wouldn’t it be great to be immortal and have eternal youth? One could roam the world getting the opportunity to experience everything. Since trends and technology are always changing, you’d be able to be constantly learning new things. You would be able to take the biggest risks and reap the biggest rewards. You could live the life you’ve always dreamed of. You could be the person you wished you were or didn’t know you had the potential to become. What would be there to lose?

But then, I realized something though. One could learn all the things there ever was… except for one thing: the lesson learnt upon dying. What is that lesson? You’ll only know when you go.

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